7 activities to do with the kids tonight that don’t involve TV

May 9, 2023 | Family Tips, Raising Children

Is it a normal part of your family routine to just have the TV on in the late afternoons and evenings? We understand that the days are long and sometimes you just need to do whatever you can to survive until bedtime. But on those days where you are feeling a little stronger, it is great to turn the TV off.

There are several reasons why it is good to have some nights with the TV off in the evenings at home with the kids. Here are a few:

  1. Promotes Family Bonding: Turning off the TV provides an opportunity for families to connect and spend quality time together. It allows for conversations and interactions that may not happen when everyone is glued to the screen.
  2. Encourages Creativity and Imagination: Without the distractions of the TV, kids are encouraged to use their imaginations and come up with their own ideas for fun and entertainment. This helps to foster creativity and develop critical thinking skills.
  3. Reduces Screen Time: Too much screen time can have negative effects on children’s health, including obesity, poor sleep, and behavioural problems. By turning off the TV, parents can help to reduce their children’s overall screen time and promote healthier habits.
  4. Provides a Sense of Calm: The constant stimulation and noise from the TV can be overwhelming and disruptive to family life. Turning off the TV can create a sense of calm and quiet that is often missing in today’s busy world.
kids are watching too much tv it effects their behaviour

Overall, having some nights with the TV off in the evenings at home with the kids can have many positive benefits for families. It allows for quality time together, encourages creativity and imagination, reduces screen time, and provides a sense of calm in the home.

If the thought of turning the TV off scares you because you aren’t sure what to do to entertain the kids??

Then look no further!

We have detailed a list of 7 fun activities to do with your kids tonight that don’t involve TV! Here are seven ideas that are sure to provide quality family time and make lasting memories.

1- Board Game Night

Pull out your favourite board games and gather around the table for a night of friendly competition. Board games are a great way to bond with your family and provide endless entertainment. Whether you choose a classic game like Monopoly or something more contemporary like Settlers of Catan, you’re sure to have a blast.

Family games night

2- Arts and Crafts

Unleash your creativity with an arts and crafts night. From painting and drawing to scrapbooking and jewellery making, there are endless possibilities for creative expression. Plus, it’s a great way to encourage your kids to use their imaginations and explore their artistic sides.

3- Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt inside your home and watch your kids light up with excitement. Hide clues and treasures throughout your house, and give your children a list of items to find. This activity is not only fun but also helps to develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Family activity ideas

4- Family Game Night

Set up a family game night with interactive games such as charades, Pictionary, or 20 questions. These games are a great way to get everyone involved and laughing. Plus, they don’t require any equipment, making them an easy and affordable option.

5- Movie Night with a Twist

Instead of just watching a movie, make it an interactive experience. Choose a movie and create a themed menu, decorate your living room, and encourage your kids to dress up as their favourite characters. This is a great way to get creative and have fun as a family.

Family movie night

6- Cooking or Baking Together

Get your kids involved in the kitchen by cooking or baking together. Choose a recipe that’s easy to follow and allows for some creativity, such as decorating cupcakes or making homemade pizza. This activity not only teaches valuable life skills but also creates an opportunity for bonding and teamwork.

7- Family Book Club

Start a family book club by choosing a book that everyone can read together. Set a weekly reading goal and schedule a time to discuss the book as a family. This activity promotes reading and literacy while also fostering communication and critical thinking skills. Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time together and learn something new.

7 activities to do with the kids tonight that don't involve TV

In conclusion, spending quality time with your kids doesn’t have to involve TV. Whether it’s playing board games, doing arts and crafts, or having a scavenger hunt, there are plenty of fun and engaging activities you can do with your kids tonight. So, put down the remote, and get ready for some family fun!

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